
hotel de ville from the balcony of bhv: not fit for residency.
my little hotel de ville anecdote: for about a month and a half, my friends and i thought hotel de ville was a swanky, french hotel chain — the doubletree of france, if you will. turns out, hotel de ville actually means city hall. the french language is not your friend.

in other news, do take the metro. it's freezing outside. i also do not use this term lightly anymore. if there were droplets outside, they would freeze.


paris lesson #2

at saint sulpice: it (hipster mary) seems a little sacrilegious, doesn't it?

if you walk by a pretty church, go inside.
there is (weird, beautiful, i-don't-get-it) art everywhere.
paris is one big musée

at père lachaise: there's a grateful dead joke here somewhere.

père lachaise is:
1. cimitière to the stars (jim morrison, oscar wilde, edith piaf)
2. my favorite place in paris (thus far)
3. somewhere you don't want to be when there is no sun in the sky
4. morally questionable; is it okay to have a grand old time in a place of mourning?
5. father the chair?

hannah likes it, too.



the original single lady?

"it's a bit rickety, isn't it?"

-a young british boy commenting on the build of the eiffel tower

paris lessons #1

fun can be acquired by walking around a pretty area.
you are allowed to have fun by yourself, and you should.
someone in the near vicinity is probably (definitely) weirder than you.
the tuileries in the morning (and i hate mornings). ah, the beauty of jetlag.